Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize a unique moment in your life.
Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize a unique moment in your life.
Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize a unique moment in your life.
Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize a unique moment in your life.
Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize a unique moment in your life.

How long will it take to receive my content?
Your content will be available one to two weeks after your championship. We will always try to get it as soon as possible. Please do not send any messages if your content has not yet been delivered within this period, as answering all messages slows down production. In case the deadline is exceeded and you have not yet received your content, please contact us to solve any problem at
Can I have photos with my family or backstage?
If you have hired our services in your championship, do not hesitate to ask us at the same event, we are here to help.
How will you recognize me on stage?
Thanks to the bib number that you provide us when purchasing the service.
Where will my content be sent to me?
We will share it with you in the email you provide us when purchasing the service.
Is there a discount code?
Stay tuned to our social networks ( @whitedragonagency and @whitedragonultra ) where we will share our discount codes.
Do you do other types of advertising work?
Our advertising agency White Dragon is dedicated to creating content for companies. This particular department (ULTRA) specializes only in bodybuilding, but if you have any questions outside of this area, please contact .